Python Course
Gobeyondlearn is offering pyhton course under cybersecurity course so if you are wondering to learn our course then join now and be a part of best cybersecurity course in India.

Introduction To Python
- Python Basics
- Variable And Data Types
- Decision Making And Loops
- Functions
- Modules And Packages
- Files And Directories
- Regular Expression
- Programming

Python Environment Setup and Essentials
- Introduction to Python Language
- Features, the advantages of Python over another programming languages
- Python installation – Windows, Mac & Linux distribution for Anaconda Python Deploying
- Python IDE
- Basic Python commands, data types, variables, keywords, and more
Python Language Basic Constructs
- Built-in data types in Python
- Learn classes, modules, String, Ellipsis Object, Null Object
- Ellipsis, Debug
- Basic operators, comparison, arithmetic, slicing, and slice
- Operator, logical, bitwise
- Loop and control statements while, for, if, break, else, continue
Course Key Takeaways
- Python Language Basics Constructs
- Variable & Data types
- Decision-making & loops
- Functions
- Modules & packages
- Files & Directories
- Regular Expression
- Programming
OOP Concepts in Python
- How to write OOP concepts program in Python
- Connecting to a database
- Classes and objects in Python
- OOPs paradigm, important concepts in OOP like polymorphism
- Inheritance, encapsulation
- Python functions, return types and parameters
- Lambda expressions
- PDF scraping with Python
- Introduction to pdf scraping in Python
- Data extraction from Digital & Scan pdf.
- How to use Data extraction generic functions.
- Data Extraction from Scanned pdf(.jpg format).
- How to save extracted data from a pdf to excel.
- How to insert and delete datafrom a table in DB.
- How to Convert CSV to Excel.

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If you are wondering how to start you Ethical hacking career then Gobeyondlearn can help you in right aspect and guide you to make right decition acordingly